Sunday, December 5, 2010

Which caricature drawing tutorial is right for me?

When looking for a caricature drawing tutorial the choices may seem a little overwhelming. You find something on the internet that looks interesting. After further research you decide it's not right for you. So what should you be looking for?

Everyone needs help sometimes to improve their skills. Caricature artists are no different than anyone else. It takes hours and hours of practice to be good at it. You may have the basic skills but that isn't enough sometimes.

That's when a caricature drawing tutorial really comes in handy. After all "Rome wasn't built in a day". It took years of planning and construction to make it into the empire that it was.

There are some really talented people out there that have been doing this for years. Why not shorten the learning curve and learn from the masters?

If you are drawing caricatures for a living you need to get better quickly to have any chance of success.

When looking for a guide you will find that the internet has some great courses. Many of them are done by some of the best cartoonists in the world!

Make sure you do your homework and be very selective. After all, no one wants to spend money on a how to draw caricatures step by step that doesn't deliver.

Many artists struggle with caricatures for many years before they learn the little things that stand out on that sheet of paper. Painting a beautiful scene in the meadow or a subject is a completely different "ball of wax". There are intricacies and innuendos for every kind of art.

The early founders of this type of art in the 17th century laid the groundwork for the concepts that we use today. There is always room for improvement. You obviously want your work to be original and say something about your unique personality and abilities.

Try to think of your investment in a draw caricatures eBook as a way to make this more fun and profitable. You will never regret your decision when it becomes exciting and interesting every time you draw one!

Draw Caricatures eBook-What You Need To Know About Them.

If you are a struggling artist a draw caricatures eBook may be a wise investment. We all have a tendency to get stuck in a rut at times. Sometimes, it takes a "fresh set of eyes" to find some new perspectives.

Drawing a caricature is like building a house. You start with a blueprint. Without one you are lost before you even start. Can you imagine how the house would look if you just slapped it together?

A draw caricatures eBook could very well be the foundation you need for your portraits. There really isn't any point in starting a picture for your subject if you don't understand the underlying concepts for doing it right.

Trial and error is a given with any kind of art. There are times when you just have try things out and see what happens. That is extremely frustrating if your portraits are just not getting any better though.

It really is much more fun when you can just sketch at will with no effort at all! A good caricature drawing tutorial really makes a difference in taking your skills to the next level.

If you are an artist that is trying to make a living at this you know frustrating it can be. That is pretty much true of any kind of project you undertake though.

You start out with a basic idea in your mind about what the portrait is going to look like. If the portrait doesn't "flow off the page" and doesn't look good to the customer you will never be successful.

Being consistent in your skills takes a lot of practice. Every artist has their good days and bad days just like everyone else. So how do you get organized to be "on your game" all the time?

When you are working for yourself you don't have the luxury of having too many bad days. You can't fool the public too much particularly when you are drawing caricatures.

If your finished products are not getting the "ooohs and aaaahs" of the crowd you won't be in business too long. That's when knowing how to draw caricatures step by step becomes extremely important.

Stick with it and get better. It takes time! Drawing caricatures is an extremely gratifying thing to do even if you are doing it as a part time gig!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Caricature eBook-Is It Worth The Money?

The internet has a lot of great things going for it. A caricature eBook is a wonderful investment for many “struggling artists to be”. There are a lot of “eBooks” out there that are a waste of money too.

Your local library has some wonderful materials that can be checked out. The problem with that is that you can only keep them for a limited period of time. Sometimes, it is really nice to have a dvd or written documents on hand.

If you have never tried cartooning and think you have a knack for it a caricature drawing tutorial might be an inexpensive way to start out. While drawing caricatures isn’t really that difficult many folks have a hard time getting the proportions of their subjects right.

The person that you are drawing may have a grumpy disposition. If they are always frowning you are going to accentuate some “frown lines” in their face. Somehow a caricature of Andy Rooney isn’t going to look right if he has a big smile on his face! Those bushy eyebrows are a gold mine for a caricature artist.

Finding a way to make a living drawing caricatures may be your dream. Keep in mind you will probably be paid by the hour or on a “contract” basis with an existing firm. You will have to figure out a way to get your own benefits such as health insurance.

The trade off of working on your own is you can make more money that way but you will have to pay for your own overhead expenses. Fortunately, you can even find a caricature e book that “fits the bill” for that!

If you want to really get serious about drawing caricatures there are all kinds of materials available. Whatever your goals are don’t let anyone talk you out of pursuing them if you know you have the “right stuff”.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Drawing caricatures book-Will It Really Help Improve My Skills?

If you are looking for a drawing caricatures book the choices may seem a little overwhelming. A lot of people start drawing cartoons and eventually progress to a point that they can make a good income at it. It just doesn't happen by itself though.

One of the toughest things that beginning cartoonists struggle with is getting enough information from their subjects. If you really don't know much about them it is very difficult to visualize in your mind what the finished product should look like.

A good example is a outgoing individual that you are drawing. If they love to talk isn't it common sense that their lips or mouth should be emphasized in the picture?

Having the drawing skills is something that can be learned in a good caricature drawing tutorial. That's only half of the battle though. You can only go so far on your own without a mentor or more instructions.

We all have a tendency of getting into habits or a certain way of doing things. Sometimes, we need a "fresh set of eyes" to help us see things a different way.

Perhaps, you have a burning desire to make this into a full time living. Luck will only carry you so far. The old real estate saying "location, location, location" is pretty appropriate for entrepreneurs that want to do this full time.

It's pretty safe to say that you will never be able to support yourself unless you have the work. That could very well mean moving somewhere else and being near a vacation area for example. Tourists often get a little careless with their money. A draw caricatures book from someone that can show you the ropes will certainly make the learning curve shorter.

Starting your own business is always a gamble. Sometimes, you just have to go for it though and live your dream!